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About Senbukai Germany

The I.J.K.A (International Japan Martial Arts Karatedoku Asai-ryu) was registrated in Japan more than 20 years ago in order to create an organisation that retains the core of karate, budo and martial arts in contrary to the trend to more sports karate. He developed training methods that do not harm joints and hip, katas for training special techniques and movements und he enlarged his karate with jumps, body spins and whip techniques. Improvement of character was the most important point of karate training.

SENBUKAI Germany is a union of Karatekas who want to preserve, train the philosophy and the karate of Asai Sensei. SENBUKAI Germany periodically offers trainings and courses where Asai-ryu techniques and the katas, developed by Asai Sensei are taught. Of course also Shotokan Karate, the base of Asais Karate is a topic in theses courses. Besides the chief instructors of Europe and Germany other hight graduated intructors of other countries are invited for teaching in the courses.

SENBUKAI Germany ist registrated at I.J.K.A Japan as the official and lawful represantative in Germany.
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